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Easter Steak Fry 2022
Immaculate Conception Easter Steak Fry April 23, 2022 At the IC Civic Center Serving between 4:30pm-7:30pm Dine in or take out available Ticket price: $35 Call the parish office to purchase a ticket: 744-2829 Menu Ribeye steak (done to order) Baked potato Cole slaw Dinner role Cookie Beer and wine for sale
Keeping kids safe online
Fr. VanDenBroeke's pastor's column for February 20, 2022 The digital world we live in today is amazing in many ways, but can also be very dangerous and filled with immoral content. So how do you keep your children safe online? Just a few days ago, Catholic speaker and author Jason Evert did a podcast interview with an expert in child online safety. It was an excellent interview and has great tips for parents. In my article today, I want to share the 5 steps they recommend for keeping kids safe online. I would encourage you to take the time
Jesse Romero Spiritual Reflection Retreat 2022
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