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Easter Steak Fry 2022

      Immaculate Conception Easter Steak Fry April 23, 2022 At the IC Civic Center Serving between 4:30pm-7:30pm Dine in or take out available Ticket price: $35 Call the parish office to purchase a ticket: 744-2829 Menu Ribeye steak (done to order) Baked potato Cole slaw Dinner role Cookie Beer and wine for sale

March 10th, 2022|

Keeping kids safe online

  Fr. VanDenBroeke's pastor's column for February 20, 2022 The digital world we live in today is amazing in many ways, but can also be very dangerous and filled with immoral content. So how do you keep your children safe online? Just a few days ago, Catholic speaker and author Jason Evert did a podcast interview with an expert in child online safety. It was an excellent interview and has great tips for parents. In my article today, I want to share the 5 steps they recommend for keeping kids safe online. I would encourage you to take the time

February 20th, 2022|

Events and Opportunities

Pack the Pews

Thank you to everyone who participated in the Minnesota FoodShare Pack the Pews event. We collected 374 pounds of food

Words from Father

Regina Caeli

During the Easter season, the Church encourages the singing of the Regina Caeli.  This song, dedicated to Mary, reflects with Mary

Easter Letter to the Parish

Jesus is Risen!  Alleluia! My dear parishioners of Immaculate Conception, It is with a mixture of joy and sadness that

April 12, 2020 – Easter Sunday

APRIL 12, 2020 Easter Sunday   Jesus is Risen!  Alleluia! This week’s Marian image is called The Resurrected Christ Appears

Divine Mercy Novena

Divine Mercy Chaplet and Novena The Chaplet of Divine Mercy is a beautiful prayer said in honor of Jesus' mercy,

April 5, 2020 – PALM SUNDAY

APRIL 5, 2020 Palm Sunday  “Hail, King of the Jews" Today, as we celebrate Palm Sunday, we begin Holy Week. Holy

Prayer of Abandonment

PRAYER OF ABANDONMENT of Charles de Foucauld Father, I abandon myself into your hands; do with me what you will.

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