Calvary Cemetery

Calvary Cemetery is located at:
51 Idaho St SW, Lonsdale
(South on Main St. from downtown Lonsdale, on the top of the hill.)

Cemetery Brochure:

Cemetery Guidelines

  • Please keep vehicles on the asphalt.
  • No live flowers, trees, or shrubs planted in the ground.
  • All cemetery decorations that have been placed on the ground for Memorial Day will be removed (for grass cutting) after 7 days.
  • Artificial bouquets are allowed in pots and stands along side of the monuments. Families must maintain the appearance of the bouquet.
  • All decorations are to be removed by September 1st. Decorations left after that time will be removed by cemetery personnel.
  • Christmas decorations are to be removed by January 1st.
  • Decorations that interfere with maintenance may be removed.
  • New graves in the cemetery are filled in and given one layer of black dirt in the spring after burial. Additional dirt is available for family use as needed. Additional seeding of grass is the responsibility of the family.

Cemetery Fees


Parishioners* – $600

Non-parishioners – $2,000

Other Fees**

Staking fee: $100
Memorial staking fee: $50

Grave opening
Full burial: $550-$950
Cremation: $350-$450
($250 additional if a weekend of holiday)

Additional cremation burial: $250

(Winter burial notice: Any cost for snow plowing or sanding/salting at the cemetery for the day of the burial will be charged to the family.)

Prices subject to change

*Must be a registered parishioner for at least 1 year prior to purchase to receive the “parishioner” rate.

**May be paid through the funeral home

To purchase a plot

Contact: The parish office – 507-744-2829

Or call our cemetery caretaker: Jim Prchal – 507-744-2779

Miscarriage burials

We have a special section where miscarried babies may be buried for no charge (or for a small fee). Please talk to Father for more information.

Miscarriage Brochure:


The grave is not “owned” by those who buy it. Rather, the purchase is for the right to be buried there. The grave remains the private property of Immaculate Conception Church.

Graves can be sold back to the church for the price of the original sale, not the current selling price. Graves may be sold or transferred to family or others, however, the parish office must be involved in documenting the transfer.

Headstones are owned by the family. Thus, any damage that occurs to headstones (vandalism, weather, etc.) is the responsibility of the family. The exception would be damage from our equipment or that of our contractors.

Falling monuments can be very dangerous. Repairing them is the responsibility of the family. Please help ensure the safety of our visitors by keeping monuments in good condition. Please contact the parish office before bringing heavy equipment into the cemetery to re-set a monument.

Blessed are those who have died in the Lord; let them rest from their labors, for their good deeds go with them.

Eternal rest grant to them, O Lord.

And let perpetual light shine upon them.

May they rest in peace.

May their souls, and all the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
