February 2nd, 2020

The Presentation of the Lord

World Day for Consecrated Life

“The child grew and became strong, filled with wisdom; and the favor of God was upon Him.”


​Both of this week’s Marian images are pictures of the Presentation of the Child Jesus in the temple.

The first is by Philippe de Champaigne, and was painted about the year 1648.

The second image is by Lodovico Carracci, and was painted about the year 1605.

You are in my daily prayers.

God bless you,

Fr. VanDenBroeke


Website Update!!!

I am very happy to announce that we have just launched a new website!  Not only has our website look changed, but our website address has changed as well.  Our new website is: icchurch.cc

Also, our staff email addresses have changed as well.  Please use these new addresses going forward:

Office/Dianne office@icchurch.cc

Father frvandenbroeke@icchurch.cc

Theresa theresa@icchurch.cc

Kevin kevin@icchurch.cc


I am so grateful to those who have helped me on this project, especially: Heather Malecha, Cassy Simon, Mary Carson, and Dianne Miller.  Thank you all so much for your good work!