MAY 24, 2020

Ascension of the Lord

We have two more beautiful images of Mary this week.

The first is simply called The Ascension by Pietro Perugino, and was painted between 1495 and 1498.  In this image, Jesus is ascending into heaven admits the angle choirs, while his Mother and disciples look on.

The second image is an image of a priest saying Mass while Our Lady stands beside him.  I was unable to find any specifics about this image, but it is very beautiful.  As this picture shows, when the priest prays the prayers of consecration, the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross truly becomes present.  Our Lady stands behind the priest gazing on Jesus with love, just as she stood at the foot of his cross 2,000 years ago.


You are in my daily prayers.
God bless you,
Fr. VanDenBroeke